Our focus is to provide Houston with the finest upscale homes in exclusive neighborhoods as well as Houston’s most prominent high rise condominiums.
Our attention to detail and focus on your project is proven in the finished product, your Home and the referrals that brought you to us.
We have become accustom to using only the finest materials, most experienced tradesmen and the most experienced team assembled for each project uniquely designed for each project specifically with respect to Architecture and Design.
We work closely with our owners and their intent and can offer assistance with both Architecture and Design if necessary.

Our commitment to your project can many times cause us to look outside the Houston area for the right materials needed for your project. We uncover every pathway necessary to bring you full appreciation of your home and the excitement you richly deserve.

Our years of experience in the industry of fine homes has seen many changes, mostly with respect to technology. We use this technology to our advantage in many ways. Communication is first and fore most. Our level of communication from field operations to client information is a huge part of our success and we continue to improve this facet of the company as is appropriate. Technology has also changed how we address the simplest things in life like controlling lighting, media, window treatments, air conditioning and many more things in daily life from anywhere in the world or from anywhere in your home. We stay on top with the latest that makes your home especially unique and enjoyable.

We detail the use of all our materials from stone, steel, wood, glass, fabrics and others from framing to finishes with the knowledge and experience required to make your home special and unique, bringing excellence to your lifestyle.